Sunday, November 3, 2013

Neurotherapy Facts

As a relatively new treatment modality for cognitive, emotional, and even physical ailments, neurotherapy is somewhat shrouded in mystery. Though there are many myths about neurotherapy, there is also a wealth of research supporting this type of treatment with respect to anxiety, ADHD, depression, seizure disorders, and even addictions. So let's discuss some neurotherapy facts, especially as they relate to common myths.

Myth: Neurofeedback is not an empirically supported treatment.

In fact, while most physicians are not trained or sometimes even taught about neurotherapy, the fact remains that there is a wealth of published research supporting its efficacy. Unfortunately, physicians receive almost no training in biofeedback or neurofeedback - the most common neurotherapy techniques. Originally developed by psychophysiologists, articles in multiple peer reviewed journals have time-and-time again documented effective uses for neurotherapy. Indeed, journals such as Clinical EEG, Neuroscience Journal, and Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback are excellent sources of information that outline the beneficial effects of neurotherapy; and research about these therapies continues to be published in such journals to this day.

Myth: All neurotherapy treatments are the same.

There are many different methods and technologies for applying neurotherapy principles, but the experience of the therapist should never be underestimated. Just as you would meet with different family doctors before choosing one, you should also consider meeting with and learning about various neurotherapy practitioners in your area. Not only should you find a qualified, experienced neurotherapist who has an excellent understanding of the treatments and science, but you also want to work with a practitioner with whom you can build a positive rapport.

Myth: Neurotherapy treatment effects are immediate.

While some patients experience very quick improvements, usually within the first few weeks, the majority of patients require multiple sessions to achieve the full effects of neurotherapies. Not only does the expertise of the therapist impact the response rate of patients, but individual neural differences can also have an impact. In fact, somewhere around 40% of patients will require treatment for up to 10 weeks before they start to see marked improvements.

Myth: Neurotherapy and medication are not complimentary therapies.

In fact, a combination of neurotherapy and prescription treatment seems to be a very effective treatment program for many patients. Your neurotherapist should be able to provide you with information regarding the types of medication that are useful in combination with neurofeedback treatments.

Myth: The effects of neurotherapy treatments are temporary.

While occasional tune-ups help to maintain the effectiveness of neurotherapy treatments, many of the effects of this type of treatment are maintained for the long term. In order to establish the longest lasting results, most neurotherapy specialists recommend regular treatments for at least 8-12 weeks.

Myth: Neurotherapy is invasive.

For some reason, many people imagine neurotherapy as an invasive treatment on the brain; in fact, the non-invasive biological condition techniques associated with neurotherapy do not require direct stimulation of the brain. No electricity is emitted to the brain as is the case with electro-convulsive therapies.

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